Undergraduate > School of Performing Arts and Media

The School of Performing Arts and Media of the College of Arts consists of 6 majors including Play, Cinema. Space Direction. Literature. Photograph and Dance. and each program is considered as one of the best in Korea. The students are taught theories and are given hands-on exercises to master the basics, and they are encouraged to apply their acquired knowledge to their specialize area and aspire to transcend from the national borders to foreign countries by participating in the exchange programs.

서울캠퍼스 301 건물(중앙문화예술관) 5층 503호 총괄행정실 Tel:82-2-820-5773
안성캠퍼스 예술대학 건물 2층 예술대학 행정실 Tel:82-31-670-3072

1) Department of Theatre

Ever since the department opened for the first time in Korea in 1959. it has produced alumni of professors and actors who have demonstrated excellent performances in the field of theatre. and it is ranked as the best tor almost all the fields in the assessment of the departments of theatre in Korea. Due to the prestigious programs and excellent faculty, International Theatre Institute (ITI) of UNESCO specifically chose our department to represent all of the theatre departments in Korea. Chung Ang University and ITI set up the ground to open opportunities for the students to receive global-level education by providing them exchange programs with world-class theatre colleges.

2) About Department of Film Studies

Since the establishment in 1959, the Department of Film Studies has nurtured and produced individuals who play a major role leading the film industry, academy and entertainment industry in Korea. The department emphasizes literal background, hands-on experience in film-making and cutting-edge technologies to produce top-notch films. and It gives many opportunities for the students to produce such films. TV programs. documentary, and advertisements.
These specialized and integrated education provided by the Department of Rim Studies lay the foundation to success for a lot of alumni of directors including Jekyu Kang. Yonghwa Kim. Jongbin Moon and Eun Lee.

3) Department of Theatre and Film Design

The Department of Theatre and Film Design provides opportunities for students to understand the language of theatre and film design and seek the creative expression by themselves to broaden their vision and capabilities in the theatre and the film industries. This program aims to nurture students' imagination. creativity and innovation to become design and producing experts in the fields of theatre. media and film. Throughout their studies. the students will have many opportunities to work closely with the students from department of theatre and film. During their designing process. the faculty will be readily available for students for 1-to-1 critiques and consultations.

4) Department of Creative Writing

The Department of Creative Writing in Chung-Ang University was established in 1953 as the very first major program specializing in literature and writing in Korea. It was soon considered as the center for Korean literature community. The department focuses on teaching the students to understand various literature genres from the classics to the contemporary works and use them as the foundation for their own creative writing. We encourage the students to participate in discussions to share their ideas and provide critiques for each other. The types of literature covered in the program include poetry, novel. play, children' s book, and soap opera.

5) Department of Photography

The Department of Photography is considered as the oldest and one of the best programs in Korea; it is seen as the lead program in photography education. The department has produced a lot of well-known artistic photographers. as well as commercial photographers. scholars and journalists in local and national broadcasting and newspaper companies. The talented alumni of this department led to the creation of Daum Communication. which is a leading Korean web portal. and also the world-class photography agency named Magnum.

6) Department of Dance

The Department of Dance program focuses on intense training and practice. while incorporating creative thinking skills to enhance the students' performance. It consists of traditional Korean dance, contemporary dance. and ballet. There are monthly showcases and two big-scale performances each year for students to show their creativity to the public and critiques. In turn, they are provided with helpful feedbacks in developing their showmanship and performance level.

Department of Theatre Jaeoh Choi 82-2-820-5467 jacst99@daum.net
Department of Theatre Namyoung Baek 82-2-820-5785 baek45138@cau.ac.kr
Department of Theatre Hyejeong Lee 82-2-820-5795 aar91020@hanmail.net
Department of Theatre Gina Lee 82-2-820-5909 leegina@cau.ac.kr
Department of Theatre Minho Kang 82-2-820-6692 minokang2001@naver.com
Department of Theatre Kyungtaek Oh 82-2-820-6691 nextnew21@naver.com
Department of Film Studies Hyeonseung Lee 82-2-820-5802 blue@cau.ac.kr
Department of Film Studies Hwanki Min 82-2-820-5803 ozumin@daum.net
Department of Film Studies Jihoon Kim 82-2-820-5792 jihoonfelix@gmail.com
Department of Film Studies Jungin Choi 82-2-820-5794 mono@cau.ac.kr
Department of Theatre and Film Design Kwangsub Kim 82-2-820-5814 lightkim@cau.ac.kr
Department of Theatre and Film Design Youngjoo Baik 82-2-820-5811 youngjubaik@cau.ac.kr
Department of Theatre and Film Design Yoonho Bae 82-2-820-6936 084252@adcau.ac.kr
Department of Theatre and Film Design Heesoo Kim 82-2-820-5810 yoonho8473@hanmail.net
Department of Creative Writing Seungha Lee 82-2-31-670-3691 shpoem@lycos.co.kr
Department of Creative Writing Jaisuk Bang 82-2-31-670-3677 bang@cau.ac.kr
Department of Creative Writing Eunkyung Jung 82-2-31-670-3078 lenestrase@hanmail.net
Department of Creative Writing Minjung Kim 82-2-31-670-3090 themj@cau.ac.kr
Department of Creative Writing Chanock Joo 82-2-31-670-3078 jco1472@naver.com
Department of Photography Youngsoo Kim 82-2-31-670-3117 ysk416@cau.ac.kr
Department of Photography Yonghwan Lee 82-2-31-670-3113 yong0954@cau.ac.kr
Department of Photography Kyoungryul Lee 82-2-31-670-4936 ph-index@hanmail.net
Department of Photography Kyungwoo Chun 82-2-31-670-3680 chunklasse@gmail.com
Department of Photography Jongwoo Joo 82-2-31-670-3112 jw4150@gmail.com
Department of Photography Sascha Pohle 82-2-31-670-4943 saschapohle21@gmail.com
Department of Photography Gustavhellberg 82-2-31-670-3112 info@gustavhellberg.com
Department of Photography Silas Fong 82-2-31-670-3082 silasfong@cau.ac.kr
Department of Dance Geungsoo Kim 82-2-31-670-3123 i-director@cau.co.kr
Department of Dance Hyungsoon Chae 82-2-31-670-3121 chae195613@hanmail.net
Department of Dance Eunsook Cho 82-2-31-670-3120 eschod@hanmail.net
Department of Dance Juhee Lee 82-2-31-670-3682 kintaro64@hanmail.net
Department of Dance Seungil Kim 82-2-31-670-4679 sikim@cau.ac.kr
Department of Dance Sangcheul Choi 82-2-31-670-3157 scchoe@cau.ac.kr

Department of Theatre

Department assessment

Top in the department assessment of colleges in Korea for students, graduates, faculty members, educational conditions. creative activities and academic achievement; evaluated by Joongang Daily, 2003

Overseas exchange program

Joint operation of international exchange programs by establishing the Golaghat Amateur Theatre Society (2008)

Overseas performance

Beselo Theatre Festival Japan(2004), University Theatre Festival of China(2005-2012), Theatre Festival of Global Aliance Theatre Schools of Rumania (2007) Kijmuna Festa of Japan (2008), Essen Festival of Germany (2008), Edinburgh Festival of the UK(2009), German Physical Theatre Festival(2012), Frontera Festival of the US(2012)

Department of Film Studies

Active exchange wih foreign colleges

  • Academic and student exchange with CalARTs US
  • Academic exchange with professors at Central Theatre Institute
  • Exchange student artworks with Communication University of China. joint image production workshop, academic exchange with professors
  • Joint video production workshop and academic exchange with Beijing Rim Academy ·
  • Academic exchange with National Taiwan University of Arts

Studio practice rooms

Editing room. integrated editing room. editing practice room. HD practice room. sound room. advanced equipment room. planning production. meeting room. studio and sub-control room

Department of Theatre and Film Design

Active Interdisciplinary classes

The department provides experiences for the students to act as a team member through the design cooperation in the theatre and film-making based on active cooperation of the departments of theatre and film.

Actively encouraged overseas exchange programs

  • Praha Quadriennale
  • Academic exchange of the GATS UNESCO in Shanghai, exhibit student artworks
  • Academic exchange ci the GATS UNESCO in Beijing, exhibit student artworks
  • World Stage Design Expo

Department of Creative writing

Excellent curriculum

The curriculum has been recognized as the exemplary curriculum of the creative writing for the last 60 years, and played as a model for other departments in Korea.

Curriculum meeting the trends

The Department Creative Writing emphasizes students to produce traditional literature such as novels, poetry, and play as well as to use their works to promote our Korean culture to the world.

Department of Photography

Optimal studio space

The Department of Photography consists of studio space of 2000m including four studios and developing rooms in Anseong Campus. ln addition. the department has state of the art photograph editing and printing facilities.


The Department of Photography provides credits exchange programs with colleges in Germany and offers master's program for students to expand their photography study. This department offers courses lectured in both Korean and English. allowing for international students to take the classes. We also invite foreign lecturers and guest speakers and encourage foreign exhibitions for students to expand their artistic views.

Overseas performance

Beselo Theatre Festival Japan(2004), University Theatre Festival of China(2005-2012), Theatre Festival of Global Aliance Theatre Schools of Rumania(2007) Kijmuna Festa of Japan (2008), Essen Festival of Germany (2008), Edinburgh Festival of the UK(2009), German Physical Theatre Festival(2012), Frontera Festival of the US(2012)

Department of Dance

Specialized majors

The majors in the Department of Dance consist of Korean tradtional dance. ballet and contemporary dance. The students can select and study theoretical studies on their preference and requirement.

Various curricula

The department offers many practice classes. depending on their interested major. The students not only work on their specific major. but also broaden their skills by closely collaborating with other majors in this department. This teaches the students to learn the practical side of their respective majors such as financial management and planning for their performances.


Department of Theatre

Actor(theatre. musical. film. TV, radio), director. professor. stage director. theatre therapist.
performance planning, theatre management, announcer. broadcasting / CF PD. journalist, playwriter.
performance staff. show business.

Department of Film Studies

ktor(theatre. musical, movie, broadcasting, radio), director, professor, announcer. stage director,
broadcasting I CF PD, journalist, performance planning. theatre management. playwriter. staff. show

Department of Theatre and Film Design

Stage designer. production designer. lighting designer. art director. space and exhibition designer.
lighting director. technical director. equipment director

Department of Creative Writing

Poet. novelist. critique. playwriter. writer in broadcasting, journalist

Department of Photography

Professor. commercial photographer. artistic photographer. photo journalist. director of photography.
image designer

Department of Dance

Special dancers in national - local dancing companies. teachers in primary and secondary schools and universities, performance manager, costume designer, stage lighting, dance music, dance image, planning and management

College of Arts
Chung-Ang University


  • 456-756 | 4726 Seodongdae-ro, Daedeok-myeon, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea